The Past


Make Enemies & Gain Fans is the book of design studio Snask. I have been very interested in Snask since first year, however I have only just got into reading their book. I was very interested to see how shakey their company start up was. The fact that the business is set up seems to be nothing short of a miracle. The book highlights the transition between student and professional and is full of motivation fuelled irreverence. The book focusses on adding personality to work, and that this can be done in any situation. Taking control of the brief, and making it into something personal is something that I am not particularly very good at yet but I think after reading this, I will aim to create a greater sense of personality in my work and in my professional presence. 


"This book tells the improbable story of two young designers going against all odds in an act or bravura or insanity. It offers a telling humourous and human insight into the workings of a startup design agency, showcasing a lot of exceptional work in the process.

I read this book after being interested in the work of karlssonwilker last year. The book gives insight to the startup of a graphic design studio in New York. What I found particularly interesting is the amount of set backs Karlsson and Wilker had during the first two years of their start up. The story is literally an against all odds story. This fills me with hope and aspiration, considering a couple of 30-something Europeans in New York can start a studio against everything. This makes me feel that my career may not be off to a bad start.

Perhaps the key to their success is their ability to adapt and their determination to succeed. Placed outside of their comfort zone Karlsson and Wilker will have had adapt quickly and efficiently. I feel this fight for survival and a portion of luck has been the key to their success. What strikes me about Karlsson and Wilker is that they live their work, and this seems to be a common theme in the success of an individual.

From this I will definitely take the desire to control ones own destiny, and the idea that, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position can yield strong and rewarding results.


I attended the Design Manchester talk. I thought that this would be a good start to my Personal and Professional Practice. I was really interested to see what each speaker would talk about. While they were given an overarching theme, the speakers would naturally just talk about their work. The highlight for me was Kate Moross. The line up was fantastic, however Kate Moross seemed to engage the audience in her presentation and her story and she was able to create the same vibrancy from her work, in her overall presentation. I will take some of these skills as something to work on myself for my professional and academic presentations.

It was particularly interesting to see Peter Saville talk in conversation with the rest of the group. They talked about their differing opinions on the music industry, and the way that they had their own ideas about the future of design and indeed design studios.

I enjoyed going to this talk and I had the chance to hang out with some of the designers from Music which was a really good experience.

I will be aiming to engage with more opportunities like this after I leave college and when I have more disposable income.


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