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At the crit today, Steph Oglesby (ex-LCA student and current designer at Elmwood) came in to give a  crit about the brief set by the studio. At the crit, some very questionable design sheets were shown, with two very different concepts in mind. 

The first concept was to exaggerate the idea of the Doggy Hotel. A cliche and somewhat repugnant idea of a dog’s accommodation. This idea, although could be fun to produce was not necessarily a unique response. 

The second concept was to follow the path of a budget-economy dog hotel, for the family who are looking after their cash, and saving it for the holiday. 

Steph gave us guidance and expressed more interest in the economy brand idea. This was due to the way that dog hotels not really branded this way, and it would be an interesting route to take.

What I took away

I took away that I should follow the route that has been less worn. The idea of a pushing a brand idea from where it is usually taken could potentially lead to a more innovative and appropriate response. This not only goes for this brief, but is something that I can build on for branding briefs in the future. 

The experience was a very good opportunity to see what professional studios want. The strength of the idea completely outweighed any visually interesting pieces and it seemed to be the intangible concept that was once again king.

The experience allowed me to reflect on what I would put in a portfolio and how I would present it in a studio environment. 

Presentation for Elmwood

I sent a follow up email to Elmwood to thank them for their opportunity. 

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