The Past


Another one of the after college workshops I attended was based around knowing what you want to do and how you get there. I thought this was imperative for me to attend as it forced me to think about something that I am usually very uncomfortable about facing. The workshop lasted for an entire day, and I came out of it willing to embrace decisions about the future, rather than averting them. I think this day has probably been one of the most pivotal days in education. It has really given me food for thought and I have learnt a lot about myself as well as some more general life skills that I can put into action. As well as these personal skills, the workshop developed my personal attributes with regards to selling myself. This is something that will be invaluable for interview technique, which I feel is one of my strengths. 

Where I want to be in 5 years


CIDA is a creative development agency who came to do a day workshop as part of the Life After College series. I attended this workshop as I am very interested in creative business and how some people can create their own lifestyles, and their own jobs from the business they create. The workshop covered a lot of the basics and practical elements of starting a business, which built on the things we have learnt in design practice modules and previous PPP modules. Ensuring that the customer or audience is always identified is an imperative of any business. The workshop also included an a brief but valubale overview of business models and how they can be put together. 

I took extensive notes and got some very informative worksheets that I will be keep and coming back to after I finish university. The information was overwhelming, and I think that in order to fully understand it and acquire the knowledge, I would need to put it into action. This is something I would love to do after university and I hope that I can maintain the drive and energy needed to initiate a business.


I submitted some work to the Dialogue event organised by Eve and Nathan. I think it is good to get into the habit of quickly submitting work for competitions or exhibitions like this one. The work leads to an exhibition which leads to networking which leads to unknown and unlimited places. After I leave, I will continue to be active in exhibitions in order to use this as a marketing tool.


My final PPP presentation was a complete overview at my time at college. My presentation technique has become far more concise and relaxed. From my first year presentation, where I would over discuss my work, I have learnt to reign in what I need to say, and let my understanding of the subject make a natural flow to the presentation. 

This is by far the best presentation I have ever done, and I feel my own structure was one of the keys to it's success. I discussed each year in a third, which equated to 1,000 pounds. Creating this satirical gesture, the presentation was able to have it's own unique voice, which would set it apart from other more conventional presentations. I think that I would continue to employ this technique where appropriate. Albeit not in a business meeting necessarily. However, I think that content was clearly executed and I was able to talk about a wealth of different 'stuff'. This has renewed some confidence in what I have done, and although I find myself in constant state of hunger to do better, I feel that in reflection I have done better than I let myself believe. The presentation leaves room for growth and I feel that over the summer I will be collating my experience, and executing a few prior arranged plans in terms of things I want to learn, my own personal branding and my further development as a designer. 


Ben Freeman from Ditto Press came in to talk today. It was very interesting to see his personal story about his professional and personal growth. Ben has had a very colourful life and has produced a range of great work, while being involved with the vibrant magazine Vice.

His prior experiences have definitely shaped his overall presence as a designer and his career path, although varied and seemingly sporadic and ad hoc, is actually very focussed. 

Ben's impression is made by his individual and personal story and view point. His work perpetuates his personal ambitions, and his personal ambitions feed his work. 

Ben is another designer who has carved out his own context for his design. He has created his own print shop that take on work of his choosing. The company is an extension of himself, and I think this is a brilliant thing to accomplish in your life time. 


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