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After college I have two placements lined up. I have a placement lined up at Elmwood, a branding agency, and one at Music, a branding and art direction agency. These placements will take me up to August, and I will try my best to impress both parties in order to potentially gain more time and experience at these places. 

While at the placements I aim to increase my network by talking to people at the agency and seeing if I can find further work or placements from people there. I found it is common within the design industry to find that everyone knows everyone. I hope to exploit this by looking into new placements while I am currently on a placement. This will show the potential employer that I am keen to work, with the added bonus of having a source of references and recommendations at that moment in time. I aim to engage with placements nationwide. I would like to gain a placement in London before the end of the year, and I would like to be back in Leeds for the winter 2014. After this, I will be looking to capitalise on the experiences I have had with a view to getting a job, or further work placements. While this happens I will be conducting freelance work as ‘eye designed this’.

I would like to engage and contact the following studios about potential placements. This is not a definitive list, but this is a starting point of agencies that I feel have a synergy with myself, or are of a certain profile that will help my future career. 

In Leeds: Golden, B&W Studio
In Manchester: Love, The Chase
In London: Pentagram, Someone

I will be aiming for these studios for placements however I have an extensive list of other studios that I will be calling upon when I look to send out my CV in August. Because I have plans until August, I feel that I have a liberty to be more calculated with my proposal and submissions.

I aim to reengage with a range of hobbies in order to provide more enrichment to my personal and professional life. 

Various Industry Jobs board

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